Learning to design, manufacture and sell a medical device is hard. Having done it once, I’m writing down my thoughts on how to do it better the next time.

A Great Resource for Data About Healthcare Exits from Silicon Valley Bank

Every 6 months, Silicon Valley Bank publishes data about the state of investment in healthcare (pharma and devices). It is very useful for investor presentations and to set your (and your investors’) expectations about how long you will be doing this before you know whether you failed or succeeded.

It’s also important to understand what the milestones your company achieves are worth—is it worth getting FDA clearance before you sell the company? Should you work only on CE Mark? How much investment is the median investment of a successful company in your sector? All this is in these semi-annual reports and are a must-read for medical device entrepreneurs. The most recent report is here.

Great Places to Learn Med-Tech Entrepreneurship--Is there One Near You?

SBIR Season!